Art 'n Soul Weekly E-Mail

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Today was such a blustery day; luckily I went out in it only once. It was enough to keep me inside the remainder of the day. But that's a good thing because I was able to devote some time to the ongoing business of straightening up my studio. Notice the new term for cleaning out and organizing? It might help me to think of this overwhelming project as one step closer if I use new words.

Check out these 3 cards on the Penny Black blog by Judy Jung . . .

by Judy Jung for Penny Black

by Judy Jung for Penny Black

by Judy Jung for Penny Black
Click on this link to go to the Penny Black blog to find out how Judy made these cards:

From the Magenta blog, 4 beautiful cards by Ellie Knol . . .

by Ellie Knol, Design Team Magenta

by Ellie Knol, Design Team Magenta

by Ellie Knol, Design Team Magenta

by Ellie Knol, Design Team Magenta

by Ellie Knol, Design Team Magenta
Click on this link to go to the Magenta blog and see how Ellie used one stamp from the new release in five different ways:

An order is going in this weekend for new washi papers from Hanko Designs. They have just released some beautiful new papers; I hope you'll like them as much as I do.

These are just a few of the new designs. Stay tuned!

From the IMAGINE Crafts blog, a delightful card made with the new Radiant Neon inks by AIR Allie Gower. Now that the first order of Radiant Neons arrived at Art 'n Soul, you'll have plenty of opportunity to play around with these luscious inks. I have a very difficult time staying away from them!

by Allie Gower
Artist-in-Residence for IMAGINE Crafts
Click on this link to go to the Imagine Crafts' blog and read how Allie made this card:

I'm hurrying so I can get to bed before midnight. Remember that Daylight Savings Time starts at 2:00 a.m., i.e., in less than 3 hours from now as I write this. We 'spring forward' which means we lose an hour. So rest up and we'll see you an hour earlier tomorrow.

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