Stamp sets from Tweety Jill are the best. Inside, the plastic piece they're adhered to has the actual stamped image so you immediately know where to return the cling-mount stamp; and inside the lid, there is an image of the entire stamp set so you have an immediate reference rather than asking your brain to process the rubber image that's backwards and sometimes difficult to instantly identify . . . especially nice when you're working with the quote set. And the stamps are very easy to work with and produce a great image.
There are just a "few" extra of the Fred Mullett stamps and a very limited amount of the Tweety Jill stamp line.
There is one left of these each card sets shown here that you can make from Tweety Jill:
Don't forget . . . the Inchies Club meets this evening at 6:00 p.m.
looks great. hey could you add your store hours and location information to your blog??