Art 'n Soul Weekly E-Mail

Monday, July 13, 2015

I'm hoping I'm almost over my jet lag from Friday. I didn't sleep the entire trip home from the airport in Italy, so I didn't allow my body to start adjusting to the time change when we returned home. So I've been somewhat of a walking zombie who spent most of the time sitting or reclining this weekend, instead of getting some work done and posting on the blog.

I just love it when I'm able to share art from our customers and from our creative staff at Art 'n Soul.

These two cards are birthday cards given to Art 'n Soul when we celebrated our birthday last month. They're wonderful cards with wonderful messages. I especially liked Reid's comment that Art 'n Soul is his new "happy place."

by Ava Hansen

by Reid Buker

Marj made this beautiful card from Memory Box dies, Distress Inks and a heat tool.

by Marj Marion

This card is on display, as well as the two birthday cards, at Art 'n Soul. As you know, photos do not reveal the true beauty of the cards, so please make sure to take a 'real' look the next tie you're in the store.

From Selma Stevenson's blog, this beautiful card was made using dies from Elizabeth Craft Designs. When you click on the link, Selma has photographed the card lying flat so you can see each panel.

by Selma Stevenson for Elizabeth Craft Designs
Click on this link for Selma's blog posting:

This is a lovely mixed-media card from the Magenta blog. Check it out!

by Mariette van Leeuwen, Design Team Magenta

Here's the link to the blog posting:

Also from the Magenta blog, this is a card using the new Magenta stencils.

by Carole Dion, Design Team Magenta

Click on this link for her detailed posting:

On the Memory Box blog, they're continuing to show cards featuring their latest Christmas die release.

by Donna Sledzik for Memory Box

Click on this link for the posting:

Remember that excellent video by Dina Kowal showing how to use the various powdered watercolors? She has also put together a posting about the various papers to use and how they react to the powdered watercolors.

Sample Tag by Dina Kowal

Click on this link for the informational blog posting:

Heather Telford has been playing around with the powdered watercolors as well using Penny Black stamps.

by Heather Telford for Penny Black

Click on this link for the details:

by Heather Telford for Penny Black
Click on this link for the details:

I cannot remember how I found this blog posting but I'm fairly certain it was through the Penny Black connection somewhere. I totally love this card design. Gayatri used the Distress Inks for those beautiful background colors.

by Gayatri Murah

Click on this link for Gayatri's blog and detailed how-to:

That's it for today. For those of you who are making lots of shaker cards (or plan to), you might want to take a look at the sequin sets at Art 'n Soul. Sequins are not only for shaker cards; they also make great embellishments on the card panels.

Thanks so much for stopping by and "hanging in there" while I've been absent these past few days. I leave you with three photos from Ravenna, Italy . . . 

Dolce's (desserts, sweets) from a Gelato Store in the Ravenna Town Center

This was the first day after a long-stretch of
super-hot days, and everyone was out and about, finally!
This is an artist who set up his art easel along one of
the walkways. Here he is using a straight edge to
draw the vertical lines of windows and buildings.


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