Art 'n Soul Weekly E-Mail

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

More photos from Art 'n Soul's 11th Birthday Party on Sunday. People were very interested in the diversity of the demo's as you can see.

Sandy Allnock demonstrating watercolor
techniques using the Art Impressions'
watercolor stamp series. Art Impressions also
sent the stamp and die line for a trunk show
during the Party!
Sandy A. also provided great information on
supplies, i.e., the watercolor paper block. I've
been able to secure a source for those -- yay!

by Sandy Allnock

by Sandy Allnock

by Sandy Allnock

by Sandy Allnock

by Sandy Allnock
If you check the class schedule, you'll see that Sandy A. is teaching a watercoloring class for beginning and intermediate students at Art 'n Soul on Saturday, June 27, starting at 10:30 a.m. Sandy has scheduled other classes at Art 'n Soul. If you go to the top of this page and look on the right column listing under the banner, you'll see the "class schedule" listed in bold; click on that link to see the schedule and class information.

John Creighton Petersen with IMAGINE Crafts featuring Tsukineko products was having fun showing the many ways you can use the new Iridescent Creative Mediums with stencils, and layering the designs.

John Creighton Petersen demo'ing
IMAGINE Crafts' new Iridescent Creative Mediums

I shared the table with John to demo the new Radiant Neon Amplify! and StazOn Studio Glaze from IMAGINE Crafts. Not only can you use either product directly onto your surface, I also use my stamps in them.

The photographer forgot to ask, "smile"!

StazOn Studio Glaze on lower left and center;
Radiant Neon Amplify! is upper right.

IMAGINE Crafts' Radiant Neon Amplify! puffs up when heat set. When I stamp with it, it provides a really nice 3-D texture. The Amplify! complements all of the Radiant Neon Pigment Ink colors that were introduced last year.

The StazOn Studio Glaze from IMAGINE Crafts complements all of the StazOn Midi Solvent Inks introduced last year. It is just that, a wonderful shiny glaze! And like the Radiant Neon Amplify!, I love stamping with it.

Helene Metivier of Magenta always has the best samples. And she didn't disappoint at all with the introduction of Magenta's new Templates designs by their new artist. The template designs combined with the new Nuance watercolors made for a very colorful afternoon!

Helene Metivier of Magenta
demo'ing their new Template designs
and the new powdered watercolor,

Helene with Gail Hesselholt

by Helene Metivier of Magenta

by Helene Metivier of Magenta

by Helene Metivier of Magenta

by Helene Metivier of Magenta

by Helene Metivier of Magenta

by Helene Metivier of Magenta

by Helene Metivier of Magenta

All of these samples included heat embossing before the Nuance watercolors were applied.

More party photos . . .

Marj demo'ing how to use the Distress Inks as a
beautiful watercolor background to the
Memory Box and/or Poppy Stamp dies.

Lori Allsup and Kerri McTarsney checking out
what Helene is creating with the Magenta treasures.

Pam McCartney and Callie Medved checking
in with Sandy Jackson, SAR, as she
demo's her new Hasty Lace template designs.

Sandy hard at the "art" work she loves, Hasty Lace!
I spy Janice Shineman and I also spy
Trish Largen (in the back, right) looking at
the Hasty Lace designs.

I wonder what Reid is contemplating!

Laura Leach checking out what discount percentage
she is going to receive while checking out . . .
looking on with eager anticipation are Carolyn and
Patti, ready to ring up Laura's purchases and
bag 'em up!

Here's a happy group . . . (l to r):
Judy Daugherty, Sam Lee, Gloria Lynn Walker,
Marilyn Dawson and Jane Townsend

The highlight of the entire party? Those yummy, wonderful cupcakes from Kristin Weeks. Whenever Susie has a gathering of any kind and desserts are part of the menu, she always calls upon Kristin to provide the yummiest delights!

That's all I have time for. I'll be back tomorrow with more! In the meantime, we're still "high on inspiring you" even though the Birthday Party is behind us. Come on in and let us help you . . . or, come on in and show us your latest card designs or multi-media project.

I had to share this photo of a new baby fox who visited Els' place in Colorado (Els of Elizabeth Craft Designs) . . .

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