Art 'n Soul Weekly E-Mail

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Are you ready for tomorrow? Art 'n Soul's 11th Birthday Party plans are falling into place.

  • A small amount of dies arrived from Memory Box, and Marj will be at the Demo Table showing how she magically uses their die cuts to create the most beautiful cards.
  • More full packages of Nuance were packaged up. These are the 14 wonderful colors of watercolor powders from Magenta that will be formally introduced some time after our party.
  • Brand new stencil designs from Magenta are here! You're going to love them.
  • Ombre ink pads from Hero Arts are in . . . you certainly want to get your hands on these!
  • New products from IMAGINE Crafts are in, and you'll learn how to use them at the Party. John Petersen and I will be there, and I've been making samples to show you. I have to tell you that 'stamping' with the new StazOn Studio Glaze is quite addictive!
I'm stuffing the balloons tomorrow. One person who selects the right balloon will get a 50% discount off of their entire purchase during the Party. Dianne and Pam are busy pricing all of the goodies in the Memory Box and Art Impressions' catalogs so you may easily order from them on Sunday.

Jennifer McGuire has a video that shows how to use the Hero Arts' Ombre Inks for backgrounds. Click on this link to see the video; you'll see why you want to purchase these on Sunday!

Click on this link for the video:

Carole Dion has made a gorgeous card using one of the new Magenta templates designed by fellow Design Team Member, Ellie Knol.

by Carole Dion, Design Team Magenta
Click on this link for the details:

From Birgit Edblom for Penny Black . . . I like the way the tag 'frame' gives added dimension to the card design.

by Birgit Edblom for Penny Black
Click on this link for the details:

The Art 'n Soul Journal Club met yesterday afternoon, from 1:00 to 6:00 and had a fabulous time. And they decided to do the same time next month for July's meeting . . . 1:00 to 6:00 on the 2nd Friday in July. I couldn't get the camera out fast enough to take photos of their art journaling.

Judy Daugherty makes the most beautiful art journals. All of her art is drawn by herself, as well as most of the lettering. This first journal is for the year 2015; each double-page spread is for each month in the year. As the month progresses, she will add something to that page. That's a wonderful idea since doing a 'page a day' can be somewhat overwhelming and intimidating, especially to beginner journalers.

by Judy Daugherty

by Judy Daugherty

by Judy Daugherty

by Judy Daugherty

by Judy Daugherty

by Judy Daugherty

by Judy Daugherty

by Judy Daugherty

by Judy Daugherty

by Judy Daugherty

by Judy Daugherty

by Judy Daugherty

by Judy Daugherty

by Judy Daugherty

by Judy Daugherty

by Judy Daugherty

by Judy Daugherty

by Judy Daugherty

by Judy Daugherty

Another journal-in-the-making by Judy is graced with a stunning cover that she drew. Her inspiration was from this purchased item:

(artist unknown)

by Judy Daugherty

These are the first few pages . . .

by Judy Daugherty

by Judy Daugherty

by Judy Daugherty

Judy started yet another journal with a watercolor sketch of a tranquil corner in her backyard.

by Judy Daugherty

Tomorrow, I'll share more photos from others' art journals. I must tell you that I am quite honored that they allow me to paw through their journals and take photos; they are each treasures.

The other day, Helene and I met up with Sandy Jackson with Hasty Lace Designs (aka Some Assembly Required -- SAR) at her home in the southern part of the City of Seattle. Out her backdoor, there is a wonderful weekly farmer's market that we strolled through and enjoyed immensely. Here are some of my pics. Just to let you know, I have a thing for peonies, as you will soon notice!

Columbia City Farmer's Market

Columbia City Farmer's Market

Columbia City Farmer's Market

Columbia City Farmer's Market

Columbia City Farmer's Market

Columbia City Farmer's Market

Columbia City Farmer's Market

Columbia City Farmer's Market

Columbia City Farmer's Market

Columbia City Farmer's Market

Columbia City Farmer's Market

I'll share more photos with you tomorrow.

Just one more sleep tonight, and then it's BIRTHDAY TIME at Art 'n Soul!

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