Art 'n Soul Weekly E-Mail

Saturday, June 6, 2015

A gentle reminder that one of the biggest, if not THE biggest, Recycled Rubber Sale at Art 'n Soul begins at 10:00 a.m. this morning. When the stash is big, the deals are spectacular and the range of treasures are vast. The best deals will be found this morning, even though it's going to take a lot of digging to get through it all . . . but the dig is going to be totally worthwhile. I'll be there to help Carolyn until Dianne arrives about an hour after opening.

Ranger's new Distress Ink Color of the Month has been announced . . . "Hickory Smoke"! Art 'n Soul will be placing the order soon so we're in line for the actual shipping date later this month.

Time to submit your monthly pink sheet order for what it is you will want; this is the only way to be sure you'll receive the product you want from this monthly release and it helps the store to know how many of each to order. These always sell out fast!

On the Poppy Stamps' blog, this card is made from a die cut of layered washi tape and a stenciled background.

by Marybeth Lopez for Poppy Stamps
Click on this link for Marybeth's how-to posting:

Carole Dion shows another fabulous card on the Magenta blog using the favorite Papyrus stamp.

by Carole Dion, Design Team Magenta
Click on this link for her posting:

And here's another card from the Magenta blog using the Wildflower and Chicken Wire stamps . . .

by Marietta van Leeuwen, Design Team Magenta
Click on this link for Marietta's posting:

Elizabeth Allan has been busy creating some lovely cards for the Penny Black blog. Check these out . . .

by Elizabeth Allan for Penny Black

Click on this link for the simple how-to:

And I love these two cards by Elizabeth . . . 

by Elizabeth Allan for Penny Black

by Elizabeth Allan for Penny Black
Click on this link for the details:

When you come in for the Recycled Rubber sale this weekend, please be sure to check out the new class boards. They are going to be "eye candy" for sure, and they're going to compel you to sign up! You don't want to miss any of these upcoming classes.

And Marj has brought in more of her cards for sale . . . something for every occasion! And if you don't have an occasion that merits a card, her card designs are more than inspirational for your card making! These are just a sampling -- there are many, many more designs!

Both are of these are by Marj Marion -- a 2-card packet.

by Marj Marion

by Marj Marion

by Marj Marion

by Marj Marion

by Marj Marion

That's all for this morning. We'll see you tomorrow, I'm sure!

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