Art 'n Soul Weekly E-Mail

Monday, May 25, 2015

We celebrate our freedoms that were fought for by the United States Military Forces in previous wars, and for the freedoms that are continually defended by our men and women in uniform, on this Memorial Day Holiday. So many have lost their lives defending our land of freedom. We honor each and every one of them, and promise never ever to forget them. The ultimate sacrifice was made so we may enjoy our way of life, and should never ever take our freedom for granted.

by Roni Johnson
Artist-in-Residence for IMAGINE Crafts

by Maureen Cronin
Artist-in-Residence for IMAGINE Crafts

by Tammy Tutterow for Ranger Ink

by Sharon Cheng

This eleven-year old young man paid tribute to the fallen soldiers at
Normandy Beach. There is a moving video that his mom made of
his tribute "on the beach".

Thanks for stopping by.

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