Art 'n Soul Weekly E-Mail

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

This week's Magenta order was delivered . . . can you wait? You shouldn't!

On Dina Kowal's blog, she worked with graph paper to make a very interesting card.

by Dina Kowal
Click on this link for the how-to on Dina's blog:

From the Memory Box blog, Deborah Nolan has made a card using the new Petey Bird stamp.

by Deborah Nolan for Memory Box
Click on this link for the posting:

I don't know who made these cards on the Penny Black blog, but I love them all. When you click on the link to go to the blog posting, you'll see a couple more delightful cards. All of them evoke the grand feeling of the Spring season and all the colors that bloom in the gardens.

Artist Unknown -- for Penny Black

Artist Unknown -- for Penny Black

Artist Unknown -- for Penny Black

 Click on this link for the Penny Black blog:

Sherri Welser has made card using acrylic paint, ink pads and sprays, marker pens, glitter . . . and keeps the whimsey on this posting from the RubberMoon blog.

by Sherri Wilser, Wild Heart Art, for RubberMoon
Click on this link for the step-by-step how-to:

I 'bumped' into this blog and I love her multi-media techniques and colors.

by Karen Dunbrook
Click on this link to her blog posting:

I saw this card that Karen made for Penny Black . . . again, I just love her colors and this time she used watercolor crayons.

by Karen Dunbrook for Penny Black
Click on this link to her posting:

I had a quick card I was going to make for tonight's blog posting. However, I laid the base down and I still cannot find it. When your head goes sideways, it's a minor problem. Mine goes down the road about 2 blocks and hangs an immediate left! I'm sure by the time I find it, I will have forgotten what I was going to do with it. It's bedtime and I'll resume the search tomorrow!

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