Art 'n Soul Weekly E-Mail

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Art 'n Soul's Inspiration Station this month features the Stamp Set "Bird Crazy" from Stamper's Anonymous' Tim Holtz Collection.

"Bird Crazy" Tim Holtz Collection

We have these sets available now, and they're selling fast!

Here is a card from Pam that shows off this bird's regal look . . .

by Pam Nelson
  • With Archival Ink in Jet Black, stamp bird & Impression Obsession D17010
  • Mask images
  • Brilliance Pigment Ink in Sky Blue & Thyme Magenta #C0703.Q
  • With Delicata in Golden Glitz Magenta #H0259
  • Colored bird with pencils
  • Wink of Stella pen on eyes
All of these wonderful cards are on display at Art 'n Soul; you'll absolutely catch your breath on the special one created by Marj . . . we'll show that one on this blog tomorrow night.

Also new to Art 'n Soul are Sakura's Zentangle™ Apprentice Tiles. One side is for the tangle design; the other side allows you to record the information. These are endorsed by Maria & Rick, creators of Zentangle™; the smooth surface allows your pen to flow smoothly without any interruption.

Deanna Mitchel was in the store today and shared some art with us. First up, is a card she made with a new butterfly stamp that she absolutely loves! Of course, it's from Magenta (Deco Butterfly 40.277.M).

by Deanna Mitchel

Next up, Deanna tried out the Technique of the Week from last week's week email from Art 'n Soul. The technique was introduced by Marj Marion and here is Deanna's take on it.

by Deanna Mitchel

This may look like a card cover, but! Deanna has started a Technique Journal which is a fabulous idea.

You, too, may want to start a Technique Journal. Not only will it be a valuable resource to refer to; it will be a treasure of artistic memories as well to look back upon. We're extremely flattered that Deanna chose a technique from Art 'n Soul's weekly email as her first entry. 

I love tulips and I love this card on the Magenta blog. The card features one of the new Magenta stamps, tulips!

by Marietta van Leeuwen, Design Team Magenta
Click on this link for the details:

On the Penny Black blog, Cathy Andronicou uses the no-line watercoloring technique to make this beautiful card.

by Cathy Andronicou for Penny Black
Click on this link for the step-by-step instruction:

On the Hero Arts' blog, Lisa Spangler has made a lovely card using one of the new Hero Arts' background stamps.

Cross-Hatch Bold Prints
# CG673

by Lisa Spangler for Hero Arts
Click on this link for the details:

That's all for tonight. Pam will be at the store all day tomorrow and would very much enjoy sharing how she made her Bird Crazy Inspiration Station cards because there are more from her, and others, than what we showed on the blog today.

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