Art 'n Soul Weekly E-Mail

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

We had the best day at the store today because one of our regular customers brought in some Rosie Roadshow cards she's made and shared them with us.

by Myrna Pearson

by Myrna Pearson

by Myrna Pearson

by Myrna Pearson

by Myrna Pearson

by Myrna Pearson
I made the card size large so you can see the details. In the first two cards, dd you notice the dry embossed lines at the bottom by making score lines in the card stock, and the 12th Man sweater? In the second two cards, the rain drops are made from the IMAGINE Crafts' Pico Embellishers in clear. And in the last two cards, Myrna's use of the text stamps were 'priceless' with the stamped image . . . I really liked the "uh-oh!" The cloud background really added dimension.

Thank you, Myrna, for sharing your 'fun' with Rosie Roadshow stamps. We're thrilled you like them and even more thrilled that you shared your creativity with us.

Mary McMillan has made an adorable card using new dies from Poppy Stamps. I love the stenciled background and the paw print border.

by Mary McMillan for Poppy Stamps
Click on this link for Mary's posting:

Penny Ward has made a beautiful sympathy card using Memento markers to color the Penny Black stamp.

by Penny Ward for Penny Black
Click on this link for Penny's posting and how-to:

Ellie Knol has made a beautiful card using the mono-print technque and acrylic paint with Magenta stamps.

by Ellie Knol, Design Team Magenta
Click on this link to go to the blog posting:

That's all for tonight. Another day approaches which includes my annual mash-o-gram.

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