Art 'n Soul Weekly E-Mail

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

We're all thinking babies right now. Alissa is expecting a baby boy in early August, and Susie's middle daughter is expecting twins in a month. I saw these two cards and just had to share them with you. They're from the Heartfelt Creations blog.

by Loretta Lock for Heartfelt Creations

by Loretta Lock for Heartfelt Creations
I had to show this extra photo because of the baby shoe
standing on its own. It reminds me of a pair of baby shoes
I bought my granddaughter.

by Kathleen Roney for Heartfelt Creations
This is the link to the Heartfelt Creations blog
(you'll have to scroll down to find these cards):

From the Memory Box blog, another nice spring card from Pam Sparks.
by Pam Sparks for Memory Box

Elizabeth Allan never ceases to amaze me. She has really stepped out of the box for the "From This - To That" project on her blog, Studio Sessions.

by Elizabeth Allan for Studio Sessions 
Here's the link to the blog posting that also features

by Elizabeth Allan for Studio Sessions
I love it when something whimsical comes along. You never know when you might have some extra time and want to go outside your comfort zone to create something.

Over on the Magenta blog, Josee made this beautiful and colorful mixed media tag.

by Josee Gingras, Design Team Magenta

Each Tuesday in June, IMAGINE Crafts' Artists-in-Residence will be featured on the Altered Pages blog. Today was the first guest appearance by 3 AIRs.

by Allie Gower
Artist-in-Residence for IMAGINE Crafts

by Nancy Hawes
Artist-in-Residence for IMAGINE Crafts

by Kazuko Kocho
Artist-in-Residence for IMAGINE Crafts

This is the link to the IMAGINE Crafts' blog. Once there, you may click on the names that will link you to their individual blog and the information t make their Altered Art project:

Tomorrow is a big day. If you have items for Recycled Rubber, tomorrow is the last day to bring it all in so staff has time to make sure everything is in order and to price it for you. And Dianne will be at the store . . . she's hoping you'll stop in and say 'hi!'

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