Art 'n Soul Weekly E-Mail

Friday, May 23, 2014

Does it seem possible to you that we are already towards the end of May? That the graduation and wedding month is fast approaching and we're a month away from the longest day of the year? Sounds to me like card making time!

From the Elizabeth Craft Designs' blog, Frances Byrne shows how to make this colorful card using their peel-off stickers, Silk Microfine Glitter, and Shimmer Sheetz!
by Frances Byrne for Elizabeth Craft Designs
Here is the link with Frances' step-by-step directions:

And this is a beautiful pop-it-up card by Kelly Booth . . .
by Kelly Booth for Elizabeth Craft Designs

From the Zentangle® Blog site, I clicked on their 'newsletter' option because I recalled seeing some wonderful designs submitted to the developers of Zentangle®, Rick and Maria. This is a design from an Egyptian humanitarian worker in South Libya; unfortunately, her name isn't identified in the newsletter.
by unknown artist
copy of artwork submitted to Rick & Maria Thomas
at Zentangle®, Inc.
You must go this particular posting on their website to see their other submissions; afterward, please go to the Zentangle® home page where you can register to receive their newsletters at no charge to you:

How about this little Mini Album from the Authentique blog! I really like it.

by Kay Fatula, Design Team for Authentique

Our own Dianne has a card posted on the Magenta blog. I know you'll love it!
by Dianne Johnson, Design Team Magenta

Here's the link to Magenta's blog to see Dianne's step-by-step direction:

Helene Metivier of Magenta taught another class in Montreal the other day, and she has posted photos of some of the students' cards that are gorgeous! Here is an example of one of them . . .

by Suzanne Brevet

The class was to learn how to use a stamp design to create something different than what the original design suggested, a class very similar to what Helene has taught at Art 'n Soul in the past. Click on the following link to see Helene's post and see the other cards from the class:

Art 'n Soul is not a big box store and we do not even attempt to think we're alike, because we are not! Our locally owned, independent store specializes in personal service, attention, assistance and sharing personal knowledge about our products. We'll take the time to show you how something works, explain why we like certain products, and bring in nationally-known artisans to share their knowledge and expertise.

We appreciate your patronage and loyalty and know you could easily shop 'big box' instead of us. By shopping at Art 'n Soul before you think Big Box, you're allowing Art 'n Soul to stay in existence. All of our Art 'n Soul customers are invaluable. Thanks for being 'the best'!

We'll see you tomorrow.

Why did I think of Helene, Laurel and Gloria when I saw this?

All of us 'girls' need to stick together when supporting
research to cure Breast Cancer!


  1. I truly enjoy looking through on this website , it holds fantastic blog posts.

    1. thank you so much for your kind comment; we try our best to inspire you and to let you know what's going on. I hope you stop by often!
