Art 'n Soul Weekly E-Mail

Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Make and Take from Impression Obsession at Art 'n Soul is season ready for you. It costs $1 each and look at the adorable card you'll make for Easter or to celebrate Spring with someone.

Impression Obsession Make and Take at Art 'n Soul
I hope there is a Make and Take card left for me to make when I return home!

From the Magenta blog, a beautiful way to make your own background paper. I loved the way the paper design turned out!

by Agnieszka Bellaidea, Design Team Magenta

Click on this link to go to the Magenta blog for more specific instruction from Agnieszka Bellaidea . . .

Look at this beautiful tag and this beautiful card from today's Penny Black blog.

by Peet Roeven for Penny Black
by Cathy Andronicou for Penny Black
Click on this link to learn more details . . .

I cannot wait to get home to try those two techniques! Although I will have to look for those Chameleon Pens that Cathy Andronicou is so fanatical about.

We enjoyed a marvelous afternoon at Kensington Gardens. My granddaughter Cecilia insisted that I be the one who guided her scooter. She can do everything but steer, so I had to walk beside her with a strap hooked to the front bar to keep her headed in the right direction. She may be 2 years old but she's fast and I was having to walk very fast to keep up at times. That quickly reminded me that 'drive-by' visits to the gym aren't very helpful; I might have to actually get out of the car and walk into the gym soon!

It was another beautiful spring day in London. The gardens
were blooming or budding to bloom. I can only imagine this
garden in May . . . wow!

Cecilia fed the ducks, geese and swans. One duck actually
walked out of the water towards Cecilia. We chased him off.

This is part of the Princess Diana Memorial Fountain
dedicated by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth in 2004. The
children love to walk the waterway. Even though Tom was
wearing a light down vest, many of the children were in
bathing suits, little bikinis, and topless in the sunshine.
I loved the look of this old church
and its spire between Kensington Gardens and
High Street.

I'll hope to see you tomorrow. Don't forget the Art 'n Soul Journal Club meets tomorrow (Friday) between 4 and 6 p.m. There's always a lot of art going on, and it's free. Bring your art journal project(s) to share, gain ideas and receive lots of admiring support from the folks who are there.

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