Art 'n Soul Weekly E-Mail

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sharon Morrison has a card posted on the IMAGINE Crafts' blog that shows a very clever way to use your Kaleidacolor ink pad.

by Sharon Morrison
Artist-in-Residence for IMAGINE Crafts
You can click on this link for the step-by-step directions:

Cathy Andronicou posted a beautiful card featuring a Penny Black stamp. While she uses a Chameleon pen to color the stamped image, I know you will end up with the same look if you color with your Copic alcohol markers, Prismacolor colored pencils or Tombow markers.

by Cathy Andronicou for Penny Black
Click on this link for Cathy's 'how-to' instructions:

Another gorgeous card from the Penny Black blog from Therese Schaffer, another member of the Penny Black Design Team.

by Therese Schaffer for Penny Black
This is the link to go to Therese's step-by-step instructions:

I really like how Heather Telford used one ink color to stamp the card, and then stamped it again to color and cut out.

by Heather Telford
This link will take you to Heather's instructions to make a similar card with this beautiful effect:

From Graphic 45, there are a couple of beautiful ATC cards made with their papers. Once you click on the link to the blog, if you scroll down past the Easter project idea (which is darling!), you'll see the supplies she used, as well as another organizing project . . . all in the same blog post.

by Maria Cole for Graphic 45
by Maria Cole for Graphic 45

Here are some of the photos from the Portobello Road Market yesterday as promised!

I loved seeing the wisteria climbing up the buildings.

The row apartments are painted various colors.

This is a mime who was very very good. I dropped a coin in the
'drawer'. Tom said he looked to see what I had dropped and he
gave me a smile and a wink.

A typical street sign . . . they're always on the side of the corner building.

This mom and daughter were selling printing blocks to be used as stamps. She is using IMAGINE Crafts/Tsukineko VersaFine in black ink to stamp samples. I bought a small printing block from her. I'm anxious to return home and try it out. They're metal on a wood block.

I loved this apartment because they 'host' many bird houses on their terrace.

This was the best CD seller at the market. He's playing the songs
and having more fun dancing to the music as it plays. I really believe
he is a retired disc jockey! All of the CD vendors were playing old
60/70's music from the Sates.

Old cameras galore!

If you're looking for china to complete a set or replace a broken piece, this is the place to look. I seriously wanted to take so many of them home to make an eclectic table setting of different patterns and colors.

The throng of people was amazing. 
The Portobello Road Market goes along for blocks and
blocks and blocks; it's the biggest open-air market I've
ever been to. Behind all of the stalls are stores open for
business and doing brisk sales as well.

There are the street musicians from beginning to end.

Another printing block vendor who sold many, many printer's boxes.

The vendor at this baker's stall asked if I was taking pictures or
buying something. If I was snapping pictures, go away! You can
only imagine how wonderful everything smelled!

This is Ron and Mitzi. He's been a regular at the Portobello Market for umpteen years. I asked how old his puppy was. She's 16. What's her name? Oh, this is my wife, Mitzi. It doesn't matter if he is sitting, standing or walking, Mitzi is on his shoulder. They're quite a cute pair and a favorite regular; one of the photography vendors even has a photo of them for sale.

This is another sweet character. She's a vendor and is quite
colorful, in dress and in character! She very willingly poses
for pictures.

We're coming into our final 3 days. Our 2 year-old granddaughter came down with a bad cold last night while her 7 month-old sister is getting over a cold. If Ceci is feeling up to it tomorrow morning, we're off to the Aquarium and The Eye, both along the River Thames. Otherwise, Tom and I may be on our own for the day and who knows where we might end up.

If we're not too worn out, I'll be back tomorrow. I also have to find a new memory card for my camera or else I must start deleting! Yikes!

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