Art 'n Soul Weekly E-Mail

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

IMAGINE Crafts' Kaleidacolor ink pads have been the focus lately for their Artists-in-Residence. I love the simplicity of this card . . .

by Tina McDonald
Artist-in-Residence for IMAGINE Crafts
Here's the link to Tina's instructional video on the IMAGINE Crafts' blog:

Elizabeth Craft Designs has a new die set out. They're called "Stand Up Helpers" and they're designed to nicely complement your easel card design that will fold flat for mailing in an A2 envelope!
by Els for Elizabeth Craft Designs
Go to this link to watch Els' video showing how they work . . .

New papers from SEI were put out today . . . and the delivery also included a couple of papers from 'retired' collections.

These are the papers from 'retired' collections that I couldn't
resist bringing back!

the wings on the birds have an enamel finish 

this has to be one of the most popular papers
from SEI; Dianne even found a sample card that
had been made using this paper when it was
first introduced at Art 'n Soul

Susie has been busy using a couple of new stamps from Magenta that arrived in the last delivery. Of course, they're gorgeous.

by Susie Tracy
by Susie Tracy
Stamp from Magenta
Bird colored with Prismacolor pencils and then cut out. Bird stamp
inked on base card as well; cut-out bird applied on top of the
base card image, slightly offset. Colored bird coated with
Judikins' Diamond Glaze and smoothed with finger.

by Susie Tracy
Flower Stamp from Magenta
Word Stamp from Impression Obsession
Flowers colored with Prismacolor pencils. Wink of
Stella color applied on top.

And this is the cutest little sample from Rubbermoon. It is stamped on a wooden stamp block.

a close up of the owl that has been colored,
cut out and applied to the base.

the back side of the wood stamp block

If you didn't see the earlier post from today, please scroll down.

The weekly email from the store was sent today, along with the new class schedule that can be found on this blog page. Please look in the upper right column. Here's the weekly email . . . lots of great classes to sign up for if you haven't already!

Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.
~ Thomas Merton

The Inchie/Artboards class is this Saturday!  If you have not yet signed up for this class, do yourself a favor and call us to sign up.  There are still a couple of spots left.  Lisa will be focusing on watercolor techniques with different mediums, and that is such a hot trend right now.  Lisa's classes are always inspiring, so treat yourself!  Saturday 1:00-3:00  Lisa Lee $30.  See the attached class schedule for more information.  

Also, a little bird told me that Inchie Arts is coming out with 4" squares!!  Lisa will bring a limited supply of these new artboard squares with her on Saturday.  Let us know if you want a box of them reserved for you!

Recycled Rubber is coming up on May 3rd and 4th.  Be sure to be here!  We know we've said this before, but this may be the biggest one yet.  One customer brought in a LOT of boxes of great stuff, and Marj and Susie continue the purge of their studios!


“We have been blessed at Art 'n Soul to have Patti Highlands as part of our incredible staff. Unfortunately for us (but great for her!), Patti has been offered a job at her church and she will soon be leaving us — and you.

That leaves us a bit shy on staff so I [Susie] am now accepting applications for a position working at the store. This will involve working about three days a week, with an emphasis on weekends if possible. If you are interested, or if  you know anyone who might be interested, please email me [Susie] at Interviews will be held as soon as possible.

We think this is a creative, fun, challenging, interesting and fulfilling place to work, and we are confident that someone will quickly be hired to join our great team. Let us hear from you!!”

We are SO sorry to be losing Patti from our staff (she will be here through May 8th), but we wish her well in her new endeavors.  She will still be around though, and maybe we can even entice her to continue to teach some classes!

Speaking of classes, if you are interested in a Judikins class, or class from MaryJo McGraw, please sign up soon!  These classes are filling up quickly…don't miss out!

We also have a couple of spots left in the Friday evening, May 30th Beginning Prismacolor class from Terry Medaris.  If you have ever wanted to learn how to really use your Prismacolor pencils, you should not miss this class.  Terry is a premier artist, and he is such an incredible teacher.  Terry will also bring a trunk show of his amazing stamps.

Agi Werner!  Okay, I know that July is a ways off, but we are so thrilled that Agi Werner, former owner of, and famed designer for Paper Parachute in Portland has once again agreed to teach at Art 'n Soul.  Do not miss your chance to take these incredible classes.

  Saturday, July 26, 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. “LAYER X LAYER” – Agi Werner 
Create cards that stand out from the crowd!  Learn techniques that take your cards up a level.  Make more that just a card – make cards to treasure one layer at a time.

  Saturday, July 26, 2:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. “NOTICE-ABLE” – Agi Werner  $30
  Notes simply done and worthy of notice.  Learn to send a note and add that special
   touch to a Birthday note, a note of Thanks or a note just to say hello.

Rubbermoon stamps came in, but are going out again very fast!  Some of these stamps are the wonderful images that we used on the mini-canvases.  SO many of you have asked when we would get these in again.  

Be sure to check out our blog: You can now also access the latest class/event schedule on the blog.

Hope to see you soon!
Art ’n Soul                                                                                                  
Susie, Debbie, Dianne, Patti, Deb, Marj, Sue and Sharon                                                                                            909 Sleater-Kinney Rd. SE, Suite 12
Lacey, WA  98503
(360) 357-6820

I'll see you tomorrow!

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