Art 'n Soul Weekly E-Mail

Saturday, March 29, 2014

The Impression Obsession blog features Jenny Gropp's project using the Coneflowers' stamp.

by Jenny Gropp for Impression Obsession
Click on this link to go to Jenny's blog for the details:

From the IMAGINE Crafts blog, another beautiful version of the Leafy Vines stamp from Hero Arts that we loved so much from last summer. Penny Cunningham-Ward shows an amazing way to  showcase the beautiful design of this stamp.

by Penny Cunningham-Ward
Artist-in-Residence for IMAGINE Crafts
This is the link to the blog for the details:

Look at these beautiful variations of a Poppy Stamp die . . .

by Rudis/Irena Kowalczyk
Here's the link to show how she made these two cards for two separate occasions:

Have you signed up for Lisa Lee's Inchie Arts class at Art 'n Soul on April 26? She's working up the class sample board right now so we should see it at the store soon. In the meantime, she showed this on the Inchie Arts' Facebook page tonight.

by Lisa Lee, Inchie Arts LLC
She's hinting that this might be one of the cards we're going to make in the class. This particular card features an "old" stamp from Judikins and a "new" stamp from Rubbermoon. Sign me up! How about you?

I leave you with the perfect humor . . .

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