Art 'n Soul Weekly E-Mail

Monday, March 31, 2014

Some beautiful cards from Jill Foster are on the Penny Black blog because it's Day 1 of their BLOOM Peeks!

by Jill Foster for Penny Black

by Jill Foster for Penny Black
Please click on this link to go to the Penny Black blog and see the other 2 cards that Jill has made using some of the new stamps:

From the Elizabeth Craft Designs' blog, another Box Card is showcased from one of their Design Team members, Candy Spiegel.

by Candy Spiegel for Elizabeth Craft Designs

Click on this link to go to Candy's blog for the directions:

Having fun with IMAGINE Crafts/Tsukineko Kaleidacolor inks couldn't be more fun than Emily had making this fun banner. I love what she did with the background stenciled ink designs on the canvas banner pieces. You might want to use the same technique on canvas pieces for a mixed media wall hanging, album or book cover.

by Emily Lanham
Artist-in-Residence for IMAGINE Crafts

Over on the Authentique blog, a member of their Design Team made a cute little box for tea bags. It's made with the "Elegant" paper collection; we have the 8x8 paper pads at Art 'n Soul that would be perfect.

by Hilary Kanwischer for Authentique
Here's the link to Hilary's photos and how-to's of her project:

Today was a beautiful day, and the next 2 days are supposed to remind us it's spring time. Take advantage and enjoy because the rains are supposed to return on Thursday. Come on in and feel the creativity of spring at Art 'n Soul . . . Dianne is back from her trip to Iceland and would love to see you!

I love the bartender! -- Debbie

Friendly reminder:  Recycled Rubber is this Saturday starting at 10:00 a.m. To say there are a lot of new treasures is an understatement! And Susie has been cleaning out her stash, too! Jackpot!

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