Art 'n Soul Weekly E-Mail

Friday, January 17, 2014

It's always so nice to see Lynell Harlow at the Dreamweaver Stencil booth. She was very busy with a new customer but she pointed me to the new stencil designs that she said lend themselves beautifully to zentangling!

for Dreamweaver Stencil Designs CHA 2014

for Dreamweaver Stencil Designs CHA 2014

for Dreamweaver Stencil Designs CHA 2014

for Dreamweaver Stencil Designs CHA 2014
for Dreamweaver Stencil Designs CHA 2014

for Dreamweaver Stencil Designs CHA 2014

for Dreamweaver Stencil Designs CHA 2014

for Dreamweaver Stencil Designs CHA 2014

for Dreamweaver Stencil Designs CHA 2014

for Dreamweaver Stencil Designs CHA 2014

for Dreamweaver Stencil Designs CHA 2014

for Dreamweaver Stencil Designs CHA 2014

for Dreamweaver Stencil Designs CHA 2014

for Dreamweaver Stencil Designs CHA 2014

for Dreamweaver Stencil Designs CHA 2014

I'll show you more samples from Dreamweaver Stencils tomorrow.

It was difficult to photograph sample cards in the Impression Obsession booth because they were up so high. I may be short but I am determined!

Impression Obsession CHA 2014

Impression Obsession CHA 2014

Impression Obsession CHA 2014

Impression Obsession CHA 2014

Impression Obsession CHA 2014

Impression Obsession CHA 2014

Impression Obsession CHA 2014

Impression Obsession CHA 2014

Impression Obsession CHA 2014
Mitra has put together a new catalog listing of IO's Cover-A-Card Stamps that you might want to download for a reference. I know it will help me when it comes time to order more! Click on the link below:

That's all I have time to share for now. I'll be back tomorrow with more photos from CHA. In the meantime, please come see us at Art 'n Soul! We're loving the opportunities we have had in the last couple of weeks to meet new customers who are new to fine art rubber stamping and the art of card making.

A great new year's resolution . . . "Fill your soul with art at Art 'n Soul!"

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