Art 'n Soul Weekly E-Mail

Monday, September 2, 2013

Saturday night, I posted a quick note that Maryjo had given me some fab lessons on blogging. In fact, that quick posting was made from my iPhone . . . can you believe it? And I could push it to Facebook at the same time if I wanted to. The biggest 'coup' was showing me how to add the Art 'n Soul Class Schedule so it is a permanent fixture and quickly accessed from a tab under the blog banner. I was blown away! Now anyone can access the latest class schedule on the blog in its entirety. Woot! Woot! Bowing down to Maryjo!

This has been a fabulous weekend of classes at Art 'n Soul. Maryjo McGraw led us through Gelli Plate art on Saturday. Yesterday, we enjoyed learning new techniques in art journaling as a continuation from the art journal class she taught us last year, and that's what I'm going to focus on today.

We learned about . . .

  • color values using light, medium and dark
  • using Judikins' Micro Glaze as a resist, as well as a base for Pan Pastels!
  • 'saving what we want to keep' concept that we also used in the Gelli Plate art class -- it means making a mask of a shape or a silhouette that you want to feature on your page so it isn't covered up, and lost, with all of the background patterns that will be made and the application of colors
  • using oil pastels and also using them as a base for Pan Pastels!
  • using soft leaded art pencils to trace a face from a magazine photo onto tracing paper, and then rubbing that tracing onto the journal page over the background patterns and colors
  • fixing a page in your art journal
  • using a different approach to art journaling by applying varying stages of background design to multiple pages that you will eventually go back to once again or several times -- every page could be considered a 'work in progress'
  • facial symmetry
  • 'workable' fixatives versus other fixatives
  • many, many additional tips and techniques

We started the day with a page in one of many of Maryjo's art journals that had been started before today. She always has pages to go back to, continuing the art process.

by Maryjo McGraw

The cut-out shape of a man was then placed where she wanted it on the art journal page.

by Maryjo McGraw

The cut-out from a magazine picture was coated with acrylic paint
three times on each side. When the paint had dried, a layer of
Judikins Micro Glaze was applied to both sides; allowed to air dry;
and then buffed on both sides. This process gave strength to
the magazine paper to withstand its use as an image stencil to either
mask or draw around.

Maryjo then traced around the cut-out with a big Sharpie poster pen marker. Micro glaze was applied inside the silhouette lines and the magic started.

by Maryjo McGraw
We learned how to "shake" Pan Pastel dust onto the Micro Glaze and rub it in. We also learned how to use a baby wipe with the colors. Color sprays, stencils and oil pastels were also part of the artsy mix.

by Maryjo McGraw

I ask you, does the last photo of the journal page in this series look anything like what you imagined the first photo of the journal page would end up like? That's the magic of Maryjo McGraw. Everyone's 'layered' art journal pages were amazing using their own design styles and color schemes! One of the major lessons I've learned from Maryjo over the years . . . never be afraid to experiment and never be afraid of color!

We took a lunch break and, during the lunch break, Susie showed me some of the art journal pages 'in the works' that she has been working on, and I wanted to share them with you. Susie is another person who is not afraid of color. And I love her attention to detail.

by Susie Tracy

by Susie Tracy

by Susie Tracy

by Susie Tracy

by Susie Tracy

by Susie Tracy

by Susie Tracy

In my next posts, I'll share the afternoon activities of the art journal class as well as the Gelli Plate fun and fantastic tips that were 'aha' moments.

Remember Sherry Barello, Art 'n Soul's First Artist of the Month? She has since started a blog. Be sure to visit her blog because after the blog posting, continue to scroll down and you'll see some of her beautiful zentangle art. Click on the link . . . and be amazed!

Dianne has a new posting on her blog, "Back Porch". Check it out . . . Magenta has a new challenge that you might want to participate in!

Check out this holiday card from Memory Box . . .

"Make a quick and easy card with the Grand Holiday Greetings die - details are on Outside the Box."

Els at Elizabeth Craft Designs is featured on Click on the link below to see her holiday card ideas.

by Els for Elizabeth Craft Designs
"Check out the NEW Studio Els! Holiday cards & other fun projects!"

While we're talking the "holidays" . . . we hope you've saved the afternoon of Sunday, October 27, for Art 'n Soul's 10th Christmas Party!

See you soon! Art 'n Soul is closed today so our staff may enjoy the last holiday of the season, Labor Day weekend. We'll be back to welcome you to Art 'n Soul tomorrow (Tuesday) morning at 10:00 a.m. . . . only one day before Fred Mullett arrives for his all-day classes on Wednesday and Thursday. We're high on art at Art 'n Soul and we're so happy you're with us on the ride!


  1. Wow...This is what i have been looking for and you have done a great job. Beautiful cards.

    1. Thank you Amelia. I hope you'll stop in often!
