Art 'n Soul Weekly E-Mail

Friday, August 23, 2013

I'm busy processing orders that have arrived while I was down with vertigo, the dizzying kind . . . My Mind's Eye (Happy Haunting Halloween paper collection and assorted washi tapes!) . . . Graphic 45 (Steampunk Spells Halloween paper collection) . . . Basic Grey (Persimmon fall paper collection) . . . and more handmade papers. I've never had so many orders arrive and require processing all at the same time! Whew!

There are some Christmas papers that have also arrived but I'm holding those back. Why? Because we're having our annual Art 'n Soul Christmas Party on Sunday, October 27 from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. Please put the date on your calendars so you won't miss out! A special Christmas gift at the party is a special visit from Helene Metivier with Magenta. We are sooooooo lucky!

I posted earlier that I had some beautiful cards to show you made by Patti Ritterhouse. Here they are . . .

by Patti Ritterhouse

by Patti Ritterhouse

by Patti Ritterhouse
We love it when Art 'n Soul customers share their work of passion with us. Thanks, Patti, for sharing these beautifully designed cards!

How cute is this card! It's from Jennifer Ingle, Artist-in-Residence for IMAGINE Crafts®/Tsukineko®. Click on the link that will take you to Jennifer's blog so you can check out how she made this cute stamped figure.

by Jennifer Ingle
Artist-in-Residence for IMAGINE Crafts®/Tsukineko®

"Clean and clear from AIR Jingle -- with a surprise object used as a stamp.
Just Jingle: As Good As the Day I Met You

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