Art 'n Soul Weekly E-Mail

Thursday, August 8, 2013

I love the colors used in making this card from Penny Black's Facebook page . . .

I know we're not a scrapbooking store, but I just have to share this cool Halloween pumpkin made by Eric Erickson for IMAGINE Crafts®/Tsukineko®. Take a look and then click on the link to go to Eric's tutorial with complete instructions. It would make a terrific Halloween decor piece on its own . . . with hidden secrets!
by Artist-in-Residence Eric Erickson for IMAGINE Crafts®/Tsukineko®

"Good morning y''s my Authentique post for today:"

Today is the 3rd day of the Dreamweaver Stencil Trunk Show. Marj will be back at Art 'n Soul this afternoon to demonstrate Stencil Paste techniques; this is one technique that Marj really excels at (among all of her other artistic talents) and has taught this technique for Dreamweaver Stencils in England.

Please stop in and visit with Marj. There will be drawings for Dreamweaver door prizes as well during the demo!
  • Thursday, August 8, from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. --  Marj will highlight some of the artistic and fun techniques using Stencil Pastes. Bring any questions you have, and have a chance at the drawings for door prizes.
  • Saturday, August 10, from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. -- Lynell Harlow, owner and designer of Dreamweaver Stencils will be at Art 'n Soul to demonstrate the various techniques she uses with Dreamweaver Stencils. An extra bonus is that she also is bringing her husband, Wayne! He's the one who started zentangling inside the Dreamweaver Stencils and Wayne will be at Art 'n Soul to demonstrate how he zentangles his way with Dreamweaver! And I know both will be more than happy to answer questions you might have about the stencils, dies and techniques!

And please don't forget that Lynell, creator and owner of Dreamweaver Stencils, will be at Art 'n Soul on Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. We want a big turn-out because Lynell always shows us such fabulous ideas and techniques . . . and this is a demo so there is no class fee! You won't find that happening very often and we're extremely happy that we're doing just that inside the cool air-conditioned Art 'n Soul store.

Wouldn't this make a great 'color challenge', aka make a card using these colors. I could also be 'in' the pic, soaking up the sun and enjoying the ocean breezes while reading a good book or doing something artistic!  What would you be doing if you were 'in' the pic?

If you can't make it to the beach of your dreams, you're invited to make it to Art 'n Soul. We have all of those colors at Art 'n Soul and we will be happy to help you find what you need to create something artistic. Art 'n Soul and the colors of summer await you!

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