Art 'n Soul Weekly E-Mail

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Beautiful card samples from Patti Highlands and Marj Marion are on display at Art 'n Soul.

by Patti Highlands

by Patti Highlands

by Marj Marion

by Susie Tracy

by Susie Tracy

by Susie Tracy

by Susie Tracy

I love this card that I saw on the Memory Box blog . . .

A bright card

"Hello everyone! It's Olga here with a bright red card. I always thought that gingham paper (especially red colored) looks very "kitchen style". But when I started to use it for cards I changed my mind))
by Olga Vasilieva for Memory Box

Here I used the following materials:

and hand-made flowers again))

Art 'n Soul's Art Squares Club met the other day. Art Square art shared by Marilyn Dawson and Linda Beveridge . . .

by Linda Beveridge
I personally loved these little bunnies!

by Linda Beveridge

by Linda Beveridge
Linda observes every occasion
throughout the year!

by Marilyn Dawson
clever use of washi tape!
Join us next month for Art 'n Soul's Art Squares Club. We meet the third Monday of each month between 4:00 and 5:00 p.m. at Art 'n Soul. It's free and fun . . . 

Patti decorated the front table to feature the new Hero Arts Stamp Your Story stamp collection. Patti's table layout is so clever and helps you see how you can make some memorable stories with HA's new stamps. The stories can be told in a journal, on a card, et al. The next time you're in the store, please stop and look at the story Patti is telling us about the new stamp line. Please note:  the Hero Art stamps you see on display are not for sale; they are on loan from Dianne! You'll need a pink sheet to order any of these for your own collection!
Table Design by Patti Highlands

The products keep rolling in the door for our 10th Birthday Party this Sunday. You won't have any better time this Sunday afternoon if you join us at Art 'n Soul.
Art 'n Soul's 10th Birthday Party
Sunday, June 23, from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Discounts, Prizes & NOTHING BUT Art, Art, Art!

Nourish your soul with art at Art 'n Soul this Sunday

See you tomorrow! I share these because I can totally relate to each one .  .  . you, too?

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