Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Power of Mother Nature

Between last night's powerful windstorm that swept through the area and this morning's 4.2 earthquake centered in Mossyrock, I'm beginning to think Mother Nature is telling us something . . . what exactly, I don't want to even guess!

The windstorm knocked out power throughout the area, including the store! And it was still out this evening when I fumbled my way to the back room in the pitch dark to retrieve something I needed!

Last night, the lights flickered as Marj was presiding over her glittered stencil class  . . . and they went out as she and Susie were leaving the store around 9 p.m. Because the power remained out all of today, Marj postponed tonight's class until tomorrow . . . Wednesday -- providing the power returns. Awesome Marj even scheduled the class twice tomorrow (Wednesday) to accommodate as many of the "displaced" students as possible . . . so you might want to call the store to reconfirm the power is back on AND if you weren't able to get into the originally scheduled class, check to see if perhaps an opening might be available in the afternoon or evening session (2:00 to 4:30 p.m. or 6:00 to 8:30 p.m.). And Marilyn, you're welcome to either pick up your class packet from last night or join in one of the classes tomorrow.)

Class Project for the 3rd Annual Holiday British Cream Tea with Elaine Woodhouse
Saturday, December 11, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. -- $40 per student
 Loyal followers of Elaine Woodhouse are anxious to know the details of her 3rd Annual Holiday British Cream Tea at Art 'n Soul. It's going to be held on Saturday, December 11, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. She invites you to once again join her for the traditional British Cream Tea. This special event includes tea, homemade authentic scones, cream and jam. Every year, Clive and Elaine bring out  the china for this "royal" get-together. Along with the tea, you'll be served with enjoyable holiday projects too. This year, students will create metal embossed Victorian cards with matching holiday gift tags.

Unlike last year, Elaine has only scheduled one session! Sign up early . . . some of the repeat scone lovers have already signed up!

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